Mail From Jail 593

Name of the activist: 
Date Sent: 
Sunday, July 12, 2009

I received notification that your letter was trying to reach me got your address but not your name. The letter will be sent back to you and they make me pay for it. But please re-send it to me - I really look forward to letters from loving friends like you! Here are the rules for mail:

  1. Only paper inside - no stamps, metal clasps or staples.
  2. Up to 10 pages of printed material - including from the internet.
  3. No newspaper clippings - photocopies of clippings is okay.
  4. No provocative or revealing photos or magazines.
  5. No self-adhesive labels on the outside (the reason given why your letter was sent back) or on the inside.
  6. My address includes my PIN#377054.
  7. Complete return address on outside.
  8. Books and magazines be sent from a business that regularly sells books. They cannot be sent from an individual.

My guess is that you are my dear friend Wendy French but if you are not, you probably know her so let her know I would love to get a letter from her and also one from Jack Shimek.

So… life in jail… Well, wherever you go - there you are. I'm content with myself so that helps. Some days are better than others however. When I think of all the things I could be doing and the wonderful people I could be interacting with at events like PorcFest, and especially with my darling Janice, then the days go by slower. But then, I remind myself that there is no point arguing with reality. This is an opportunity, where I have lots of time and with few distractions, to do lots of yoga and meditation, to study spiritual and social philosophy and to write. This is all part of my personal development for the role I have been given in this play called Life. When the time is right, the curtain will open on the next act - on that's sure to be more engaging and entertaining than the last. The point of the play is to be fully present and act with deep conviction in each scene in Life - to be One with what we think, speak and do as we seek spiritual Freedom until the final applause.

The inner game of jail… (do I hear the name of a book title? LAL!) There are books called: "The Inner Game of Tennis," "The Inner Game of Golf," etc. They all get into where the mind is at when you want to go to a deeper level of skill and experience of these "Games." Taking that approach, I choose to consider my time here as a training period in which to strengthen body, mind and spirit for some important work ahead. The greater the responsibility - the greater the need for humility and spiritual centeredness. Another attitude about being here, is what David von Kleist and others have said "If you don't get opposition you're not doing enough." So, I must be doing something right or I wouldn't be here. There are great changes happening and this is all part of the process that will establish us in the next phase of humanity - a true society of those who are moving together for the mutual benefit of all.

Now don't get me wrong - I'm not staying a minute longer than I have to! Different people are trying to raise money for a good (and expensive) immigration attorney for me that my federal attorney referred me to. As yet, I have not received a response from a letter I sent to him 3 weeks ago, in which I also asked if he would take my case pro bono (free). As part of their attorney ethics they are supposed to accept a certain number of cases on a pro bono bases for indigent clients but it is happening less and less these days. Circumstances are nudging me to take U.S. citizenship - something I have been resisting. Hey, then I could run for political office at some point if that seems like a good idea.

It's obvious to many that my arrest was political. The Federal Reserve doesn't want any real competition. The reason I am not out on bond like the others is a) I would not have been able to afford it and b) because I am not a U.S. citizen; hence I'm considered a flight risk. Judging by the Department of Justice and FBI's approach so far, they will most likely try to drag this out as long as possible. The process is called "dismantlement" and was used in the Nixon era against anyone opposed to him - especially regarding the Vietnam War. The process is to disrupt perfectly honest, legal and benevolent organizations using the "color of law." Through arrests, seizures and protracted legal battles, etc., the FBI loses but in the meantime it is costly for the organizations and it disrupts the effectiveness of the organizations' activities. Most importantly, it has a chilling affect on anyone else who tries to make positive change in society. When it was last used, there was political backlash and the FBI had to pay huge damages to the victims. It took great courage and political action to finally end the practice but now it has raised its ugly head again. The unconstitutional Department of Homeland Security is the latest monster to be spawned by the frightened empire to protect itself as the country slides deeper into ruin. It took tenacity, courage and dynamism of a handful of people mostly in the Fifth Estate, the media, to uncover government corruption culminating in the "Watergate" case and the ensuing impeachment of Richard Nixon. I just finished reading "All The President's Men" by Carl Bernstein and Robert Woodward, the Washington Post reports, who were determined to get the truth out by investigating deeper than the FBI and Justice Department wanted to go. Why did the latter drag their feet - were they tacit accomplices?

Today we have the Sixth Estate - social networking, through the internet, Facebook Twitter, etc. that can quickly and frequently alert public attention to government and corporate crime. The LIberty $ wasn't successful - why are they jumping all over it? Maybe they realize that the model has very good potential for incredible acceptance and hence success for We The People as we decide we want real, honest forms of exchanges. They are running scared - the paper tiger fears the match… or the magnifying glass. We can focus the light of truth and burn up their shroud of deception and secrecy - to show the world that they will stop at nothing in their mad lust for power over us. But they whisper in the judges' and politicians' ear: "What would happen to the country and all of your savings and the donations (bribes) we give you for re-election if people didn't like 'our' money anymore? The whole country will collapse if you allow competing currencies!" what are banks and the government doing anyway - they are making FRNs worthless by the minute by creating $trillions out of nothing! Even coins are becoming worthless slugs.

Change will come - it is inevitable. It will come slowly or quickly - by evolution or revolution. I encourage evolution by sane, peaceful means which requires a dynamic, well-organized educational movement among people pro-actively working to evolve also themselves. Self realization and social action. It makes actions like going to jail for what you believe in so much more worthwhile and effective in the long run. BTW, those "dismantlement" actions by the FBI backfired and those attacked got more publicity by the "free press" which strengthened their cause. Even soldiers started taking serious action. *They started "FRAG-ing" their officers.) Today we don't have much of a "free press" to wake us up, but there are other means like cyberspace, and brave programs and individuals that still shine.

I heard from one source recently that there is a major recruiting drive for US Marshals and FBI agents. They will guarantee them employment for 25 years and pay people for 31 years. Why? That person attributes it to the fact that very many officers are resigning as The People learn how to sue officers in their "individual capacity" for $millions and are now doing the process correctly. Another interesting item to research is a decision made in the Eastern Judicial District of Virginia that contained a determination, (or affirmed) that FBI officers could only work on cases involving Federal Employees or Federal agencies. I am neither. What are they doing sticking their noses in other law enforcement jurisdictions? Would you like to know the chain of command that told them to be trouble-makers? I would. How would the public feel about discovering that bankers were telling the FBI to destroy their competition? What would be next? Why not take the property of whomever they don't like or whose property they covet? Isn't that like Nazi Germany, or Stalin's Russia or Maoist China?

Things could get very ugly unless good people really kick into high gear to change themselves and society. Give people the opportunity to feel the joy of working for a higher ideal - a nurturing Earth community that moves together to support all. Let good people join hands as we welcome a new era of peace and harmony on our plant - as a true society.

"For the times they are a-changin'"
- Dylan

The future is incredibly bright!


P.S. Letters are like sunshine that warms my heart.

Thank You

Kevin, thank you for the letter, your dedication to Liberty, your positive outlook, and uplifting thoughts!
Mike, thank you for posting this letter to the Mail-to-Jail website!